Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tis the season!

There is snow and ice on the streets again...*sigh*...and so it was time to remove the Greenspeed Scorchers and replace them with the stock Schwalbe Marathons. To say I like the Scorchers is an understatement. They are fast. comfortable and flat free - what more could you ask for? I inspected them closely to see if there was any damage from a whole season of riding Calgary's mean one cut or mark on them. Amazing as I don't baby them and ride right through whatever is litering the streets and alleys of downtown. I'll be happy to put them back on next year, but at the same time I'm looking forward to continuing to ride my Tikit all winter. I probably should get some real studded tires, but I haven't seen any in 349 size and I need to wear out the stock tires in any case.

If you own a Tikit get yourself some Greenspeed Scorcher TRs you won't regret it.


Charlie said...

As of about 4:20 EST, I am now one of you. Of course, by the time that I get the bike out of the box and ready to ride, it's dark, cold and snow flurries. So only about 300 yards under my belt now. First impressions, I don't know, it's too damn cold and dark and snow and biting headwind. But handled well. Definitely lots of riding tomorrow. Also, I didn't know the Nexus hub came in black.

Oohps, I forgot what this thread was about. Ahh, I agree with your premise. It was well stated and to the point.

Charlie said...

Oh, the tires. I'm sure I'll start thinking about the Scorchers in the spring.

gto's blog said...

I will try to get that tire for my season tikit...

Thanks for the review Vic, anyway is it safe to use it also on a gravel..?

regards// gatot prasetyo